Our Programs

We offer group and individual classes and we are flexible in our approach. We have the access to the best teachers in their fields, and we would love to hear from you any suggestions about developing or improving a course.

If the course dates are not displayed - please contact us to sign up for waiting list.



Painting is not only about learning how to paint. It helps kids to explore their creativity and express their emotions. Painting significantly reduces stress and makes kids happy (and everyone around them).

BOOK holiday camp 15-19 February (in Russian): https://bookwhen.com/lingolandia

Drama & speech

The course for 4-6 year olds is children’s theatre, where kids learn poetry and perform, learn how to use their voice and speak beautifully. For older children the focus is on public speaking and developing voice, body language and confidence to express their ideas in front of audience.

Arts and crafts

Kids creativity shines in arts and crafts! Children love creating beauty with their own hands. We help them to develop their imagination and fine motor skills using simple everyday materials.

BOOK holiday camp 15-19 February (in Russian):



Chess is first of all a fun game, one of the world’s most popular sports, that provides excellent opportunity for all-round development of children. Chess improves overall IQ, concentration and memory, as well as develops logic, maths, combinatory skills and creativity.

BOOK holiday camp 15-19 February (in Russian):
